In March 2015, foundation of Accurec celebrates its 20th anniversary – certainly a good reason to look back, and to have a look forward.
Since collection and recycling of EOL batteries has become a mandatory part of waste ma- nagement, European market has developed steadily its engagement and result in an increasing waste stream up to 40,000 tons of EOL portable batteries per year. Initially, only the recycling of problematic, heavy metal containing batteries (NiCd, Hg, Pb) has been requested. Speci cally Cadmium: the reason why Accurec was born. After implementation of EU regulation 66/2006, battery recycling industry has developed a range of di erent technologies for various kinds of batteries. But the most sustainable developments have a ected the Alkaline/ZnC battery business. A simple technology had found its way into battery recycling branch: shredding with subsequent Zinc-recovery at Waelz-Kiln. While new legislation, known as „Recycling E ciency EU 493/2012“ has induced discussions about the necessity of high quality processing, the reality has taken the opposite direction: simple technology – low costs . A development which encouraged Accurec to stay with niche technologies.